The 10 Best Articles Published This Month!!
Each month when I publish my Traffic and Income reports I have been including all of the useful stuff that I have read. This month I decided to create a separate post for this, because there are some great articles that deserve the recognition and it also proves a great source for you to learn from.
If you enjoy this post then I will do it every month. And if you have some kick ass content that you feel deserves it’s place on here then drop me an email and I’ll check it out!
Top SEO and Internet marketing articles published in February
#1 Michael Dunlop Shows us how he gets a ton of traffic with his ‘list’ articles
I really enjoyed this post from Michael. It explains how he has grown 6 websites from nothing to over 100k visitors a month! He explains his techniques for writing articles that bring in the traffic. I actually read this post a couple of times and there is some good advice to be learned! So if you are looking to build more traffic or create better content then check out this post:
# 2 Brian Dean’s 21 Methods to get more traffic today!
Great post from Brian Dean right here. Brian exposes some really useful ways of getting more traffic and back links. There are 21 top tips and I particularly like number 9, which explains how using the word ‘because’ in out reach emails increase response rate! golden……
#3 Brian Dean’s 200 ranking factors
This is one epic post! Brian has made it into my top 10 twice this month!! In this article he goes through 200 different factors that affect your rankings. Definitely worth a look. It took Brian 20 hours to produce this post so credit where credit is due. You will want to read this to brush up on your SEO skills!
#4 Neil Patel’s Defiant guide to landing page optimisation
Neil is known for his great site style with creative infographics. He produces some great content and has delivered again here with a detailed guide on landing page optimisation. You can learn a lot from Neil and this post deserves it’s spot in this round up!
#5 Evelio Pereira – Forget about SEO..What!
A bit contradictive considering my blog is about SEO, but this is a cool post and I have to agree with some of the points that Evelio makes.His theory is simple, find something and make it better!! It’s a fresh approach to succeeding online and is worth a read.
#6 Derek Helpern – Easy guide to get more traffic
This post is short and sweet but Derek explains how creating tons of content is not the way to get more traffic. His theory is based around your time consumption, which he explains should be 20% creating content and 80% promoting it. As they say, quality over quantity is always better!
#7 Matt Gratt – Combining Content, PR and SEO
An interesting read as Matt shows the powers of combing content with SEO and PR. You may already have great content or be good at SEO. But if you combine these 3 powers you get a huge benefit overall and you can propel your business to the next level…
#8 Amanda DiSilvestro – In depth guide to content creation
I love reading Amanda’s articles. She publishes a lot of content every month. I particularly liked this article she produced on content curation which was published on Search engine journal. Content curation is exactly what I am doing right here! I have created content by putting together a list of others people links which I think will interest my readers. Amanda goes into detail on the best ways of doing it + the SEO benefits that also come with it.
#9 David Melamed with some advance SEO strategies
A very interesting read and some points that will open your eyes. Some of which I have been thinking myself recently. Are Google leading you into a false environment? Matt Cutts recently said that Guest posting was dead. So what does everybody do? they panic and cut down on guest posting. The thing is, I believe that he says this because they have no way of stopping it! so they create this conspiracy in the hope you will stop it anyway just because they say it doesn’t work! This is a similar thing to what David is talking about here!
#10 Elisa Gabbert gives us her round up of the future of Page Rank from 13 leading experts!
It’s always good to read what the industry experts have to say when it comes to stuff like ‘page rank’. There has been a lot of talk about the relevance of PR and whether it is decreasing. Find out what the experts think….
So there you have it. Hopefully you enjoyed this top 10 list and it should keep you busy 🙂 with plenty of reading. As well as these great posts I also published a couple of my own. How to set up wordpress for SEO and my post on Bounce Rate

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Jason, I came to know about your blog through a comment in Matthew Woodward’s blog. I subscrbed to your newsletter and RSS Feed .
You really deliver some great content and especially, I love your Case Studies and the 75 page Ranking Blueprint. 🙂 Can you please also share with your readers the plugins you use in this site, especially the content lock social plugin and the one you use for optin box in post footer/widget etc.?
Looking forward for some great SEO Tips that will provide results! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing everything you possibly can!
Jason Chesters Reply:
March 17th, 2014 at 10:33 am
Glad you like the blog 🙂 Here are the links to the social locker plugin and optin box plugin…..
Social Locker Plugin
Optin Box Plugin