Case Studies
This is my favourite section of the site!! I love doing SEO case studies and I feel that it is the best way to learn, so hopefully you will enjoy what I have to share and I’ll be doing some very interesting experiments right here! Sign up to my newsletter to keep up to date with my latest studies and if there is a particular case study you would like to see just drop me an email.
Amazon Niche Site Case Study Series #1 – Preparation

Series 1 in my Amazon niche site case study. Follow along as I take an idea and build a niche site that ranks and earns affiliate commission from Amazon associates!!
Case Study: Watch Me Do A Full SEO/Site Audit [Over The Shoulder]
![Case Study: Watch Me Do A Full SEO/Site Audit [Over The Shoulder] Case Study: Watch Me Do A Full SEO/Site Audit [Over The Shoulder]](
Ok, After sitting here twiddling my thumbs thinking of a great new post that I could write! I thought it would be a good idea to show you guys exactly how I perform a full audit on my sites. I …
My failed attempt at local SEO

I have been wanting to write this post for a while, because most of the stuff you read about SEO and internet marketing is about stuff ‘you should be doing‘ or maybe a few success stories. But I …
Why has my site lost rankings? [solved]
![Why has my site lost rankings? [solved] Why has my site lost rankings? [solved]](
Have any of your sites been hit by one of the Google algorithm updates?
Maybe it was Penguin, Panda or the New Hummingbird. Whatever it was I bet it’s pissed you off and you are left clueless as to why?…
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