November 2014 – Top 10 Posts Published
Last month was one of the best yet for new content, but this month I have struggled to find 10 awesome posts, so I have cut it down to 8
As usual I have been doing a lot of reading and here I will publish the top 10 SEO and Internet marketing posts that I have come across.
I actually spent most of the month writing my own epic post:
Here goes…..
#1 Robbie Richards SEMrush review – 22 stealth competitor research tactics
Robbie always churns out fantastic content, and he has done it again with this post. Find out how to use SEM rush to smash your competition!!
#2 Brian Dean – Conversion rate optimisation, the complete list
Brian had become a regular feature in our Top 10 monthly posts, and thats because he produces some really frat content, and this is no different with this epic guide on conversion optimisation
#3 Noah Kagan – How to get more traffic from every post
Noah gives us 10 actionable strategies to grow traffic every time we publish a new blog. HE also runs sumoMe which is the app I use for the social share bar and other cool features on the blog!!
#4 Kevan Lee – 33 Tips to get the most value out of Twitter
If you are looking for more followers, more tweets and to grow your business using Twitter then this is a great guide to follow. This is a pdf pact full of great advice on how to operate your Twitter account!!
#5 Ashley Faulks – Multiply your email subscribers like rabbits
The headline really got me with this one. Ashley has put together some great advice on how to increase your email subscribers by using pop ups, which is something all of us should be striving for!!
#6 Justin Mcgill – 100 growth hacks for start ups
This is literally a list of 100 points that you can implement into your startup! It took Justin over 100 hours to compile
#7 James Johnson – 4 Most effective ways to build traffic to your niche site
Most of us know the difficulty in getting traffic to our niche sites. This 5000+ word article goes into detail to show us exactly how its done!!
#8 Harris Roberts – Google new auto-caption algorithm could change SEO
Google have recently revealed new technology that can auto caption complex images!! What affect will this have on SEO’s-new-auto-caption-algorithm-could-forever-change-image-seo

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Awesome reading material, thanks Jason 😀