Intro: How To Get Any Site to the top of Google
Welcome to my personal Blueprint on how to rank any site at the top of Google. I know there is a lot of shit out there and a lot of people claiming to know what they are talking about.
There are people trying to sell you all kinds of rubbish, so I thought I would put the record straight and teach you everything I know about SEO…
And No, Im not charging a thing! Although there are Affiliate links on my blog, I have removed all affiliate links from this page. I want to tell you how it is. No Bull!
Here I am going to show you a summary of my link building blue print that will get your site ranked at the top of Google. Take a look at it and then continue to work through each step as I guide you through each phase of this summary!
Download The Complete Page Ranking BluePrint As A PDF (All 75 Pages)
This is seriously powerful stuff! So if you are serious about SEO and high rankings then pay close attention. I’ve made a tone of stupid mistakes in the past and wasted a hell of a lot of time and money on poor SEO
So this is your opportunity to skip all of the amateur mistakes that I made! Sit back and enjoy….
Before you begin!! You should be aware that it doesn’t always take back links to rank a site. If you have a site in a small niche then Tiered link building may not be necessary. I explain in detail in this post about checking your competitors to see what factors are ranking their sites. It’s important you know this before starting SEO on any site.
If your site has already suffered a penalty or algo penalty then this may not work. I have found that Google is giving preference to domains with no black hat history!
Check out this post to see exactly what SEO strategy your site requires
Build A Solid Foundation
Forget about your main keyword for now
So many people who start out at SEO are so hooked up on trying to rank for their chosen keyword that they completely forget about the sole reason why they are doing SEO in the first place, and that is to get traffic! Google are updating their Algorithms all of the time and one of the latest ones saw an increase in ‘Semantic’ searches!
Basically this means more relevance will be placed on the meaning of your site and ‘real’ queries will become more apparent. For example, lets say your nice is ‘widescreen tv’s’, Google will now better understand what the user is actually searching for and if your site is suitable to fit that query!
Searches might include ‘what is the best value wide screen tv’…. ‘Should I get a LCD or LED wide screen tv’
There are tons of long tail keywords that you can pick up and it is stupid to just concentrate on 1 specific keyword. So get that out of your head right now! Your site is built around your niche, not a keyword!!
Id prefer to get 5000 visitors per month from 20 different long tail keywords that 5000 visitors from 1 main keyword! Not only are they easier to get, but they are much more likely to convert to a sale.
Spend Time Creating Quality and useful Information for your Site
It goes without saying these days that you need great content on your site, now Im not saying that great content alone will rank your site, but it certainly will do you good, especially in the long run when competitors are trying to out rank you. I know there are still shit sites that are ranking well, but will they stand the test of time? I don’t think so!
Here’s what to do
Become an expert in your niche. Read everything you possibly can about your product/niche. Start to write blog posts in detail and don’t just go for the standard 500 words. Aim for at least 1k words.Look at all of the pages on my blog, they all have thousands of words.
Set yourself a target of writing 15 quality articles next month. Check your competitors and make sure your content is better than theres! i don’t care if its an affiliate site, review site, blog or local business. Provide your readers with with more in depth content.
What to write about
This is the key to pulling in traffic from those long tail keywords. You want to write each article as best you can for your users experience, however it is important that you answer the questions that they are searching for.
To find out what they are searching for and to give you ideas on what to write about we can simply use google:
Type in your nice or product, or even the main keyword that you thought you wanted to rank for! Notice that as you are typing, Google will bring up suggestions for you.
These are the most popular terms that other people have searched for: Using our example I have typed ‘WideScreen Tvs’ into the search engine. Look what it brings up….
Straight away we can see different search terms to do with ‘Widescreen Tv’s’ that you could write about. Lets choose ‘widescreen tv resolution’. Now this is still quite a broad term, so we will use it as our starting point.
The article will be about widescreen tv resolution, but we must build on that to pick up the long tail keyword traffic.
We now want 3 or 4 search queries that that we can focus on. To find these we simply type widescreen tv resolutions to see what suggestions it brings up…
Now you can see new phrases appearing, so when writing your articles you can include the words ‘standard’, ‘sizes’, ‘pixels’ etc to help target these search terms.
But this doesn’t really give us much to write about. So now we use our imagination a little and think of a few questions…..
- what is the best widescreen tv resolution
- what is wide screen tv resolution
- 32inch widescreen tv resolution
You get the picture…. LOL
Keep doing this and you will find more than enough to write about. Other searches will keep popping up or you will think of more.
- ‘What is the best wide screen tv to buy’
- ‘vizio ultra widescreen tv review’
- ‘are 3d tvs worth buying’
I could go on forever, but I won’t bore you.
Get your on page SEO right
Im not going to spend to long on this because although on page SEO is important, it’s not the Bee’s all and end all that some people make out. I’ve seen shitty websites rank well over sites that contain great information! BUT… Google is getting better at identifying good content,
so make sure you get it right to ‘future proof’ your site from any more algorithm updates.
There are also other factors such as Meta tags, descriptions etc. You will want to get these right to help your chances of picking up those long tail keywords. Here is a good example…
Title: What Is The Best WideScreen TV to Buy
Description: what is the best LED and LCD television to buy. We have reviewed Samsung and sony for the best quality HD tv on the market, we recommend….
See how I have used one of the long tail keywords as the title, but I have also thrown in a load of other relevant keywords that people may also search for…
Example: ‘what is the best samsung LED tv’
‘LCD HD widescreen tv, which is the best’
There are lots of variations and if your content is good it will pick up some of these long tail keywords.
Structure your site correctly
Make sure there are no crawl errors, I use Website Auditor for this.
Make sure your content is easy to read. Larger fonts and shorter paragraphs with lots of headings is usually good!
Interlink your pages and always make sure you link back to your home page from every page on your site. Look at my blog how I include links within my posts to other posts on here!
I use Website Auditor to give me a full analysis of my sites. It also compares your site with the top 10 ranked sites!
What is more important is that you offer your readers value, so make sure your site structure is good and users can navigate easily. Also make sure you link out to relevant sites that your readers would be interested in. Google will like this!
By This Stage you should have built very solid foundations. Your site should be like a fortress! Any Attacks from future Google updates will be blown out of the water by your quality and relevant content, your awesome site structure and fresh clean history (New domains)
Build a solid set of Tier 1 back links.
If you don’t know what Tiered link building is then take a look at this image below. As you can see, we want to build a set of links pointing to your money site, we then build links that point to the Tiered 1 links, this is called Tier 2. We then build links pointing to your Tier 2, these are called tier 3
Content (Get it right or you will fail)
Before starting any link building campaign you need content. Get 3 unique articles on your subject, minimum 500 words each.
Spin these articles to show a 70%+ uniqueness. More on how to do this later. Articles and spinning are very important so you must make sure you get this right.
Articles must be spun on a sentence level. I also like to spin images and videos into the articles!
I’ll show you exactly how to do this in Step 4
From these 3 super spun articles we can use them to generate millions of variations, which helps to combat Googles duplicate content penalty. It also gives our links more credibility!
These Super spun articles will be used for:
Article 1 – Auto generated Web 2.0’s
Article 2 – Article submissions, Multimedia content,
Article 3 -Tier 2 Articles, wikis, web 2.0
Once you have your articles in place, you will also need to create Articles titles, descriptions and a list of keywords. I’ll show you how to get all of this prepared!
Build some Kick Ass Manual Web 2.0’s
I build a minimum of 5 Manual Web 2.0’s. These are small web 2.0 sites that I build manually with unique content. They are made just like a real site, with videos, images and outbound links. Manual web 2.0’s are powerful and I will show you exactly how to build them in later in the series!
Boost it with Tons of Auto Generated Web 2.0’s
After I have my manual web 2.0s in place I use some nifty software to build auto generated Web 2.0’s. Use keyword and a key word variation as well as a lot of raw anchor links which are surrounded by your keywords. (See my article on why Keyword Anchors are almost dead). Use one of your super spun articles to do this and generate at least 20. Link to both your money site and to some of your manual web 2.0s as well as random sites. It’s important not to leave a footprint. So mix your links up a bit.
MultiMedia Links
Use your super spun article number 2 to create a pdf document. Include 2 links to your money site… You can also create a powerpoint presentation. Upload them to a few major document sharing sites.
Pop over to Fiverr and get a video made, upload the video to youtube and make sure there is a link back to your site!
Article Submission For Anchor Diversity
Some people say this is not as powerful as it once was, however there are still some good article directories and you should upload your articles to a few of them. Use this to diversify your anchor text. Use variations of your keyword and also include generic anchors such as ‘click here’, ‘visit’, go to’ etc…. I’ll show you how to automated all of this with a few clicks! Building Powerful Tier 1 links
Build a diverse set of social signals 
In Step 6 I will show you how to build social signals Such as Tweets, FaceBook likes and Google+1. It has become apparent that social links are becoming more and more relevant, and I can only see it increasing in the future.
Social media is absolutely massive these days and Google are taking into consideration the amount social sites that are linking to you.
I have actually seen sites move up the rankings based solely on Facebook likes. Later in the series I will explain exactly how to exploit social media and how to build up social links to strengthen your back link profile.
It’s also a great way of getting more traffic to your site.
All of these links must be good links with quality, unique content and most of them must come from Niche related sites. This will build up good trust and a very solid back-link profile to help strengthen your site and rocket it up the serps.
The important thing here is to not build spammy links pointing to your site. Google does not like this and you are likely to get penalised.
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to do any of this because I will explain EXACTLY how to do all of this in the following steps of my Do SEO Yourself series.
So stay with me and you will learn a lot! I will show you exactly how to build powerful web 2.0’s that will give you a ton of link juice, and I will also show you how to use ‘Ultimate Demon’ to build your Tier 1 links. Most people get this wrong!
You Now Have a solid set of 200+ Tier 1 links that are all niche related and relevant. They provide good unique content and will do wonders for your rankings!
Tip: Keep a list of all your ‘active’ Tier 1 links in an excel spreadsheet
Tier 2 – Give them babies some juice!
2. Build Tier 2 and 3 Links... Once you have your Tier 1 links in place we are going to set up your tier 2 and 3 links. What these do is add more power and authority to your Tier 1 links, which has a positive affect on your money site.
The stronger the backlink profile the better. I will show how to set this up so that it runs forever, and continually boosts your backlink profile. For this I use 2 peices of Software. The first is called Kontent Machine. With the click of a button this will create spun
content for our tier 3 campaign and some of our Tier 2. The other software that I use is called GSA search engine ranker.
This little baby works on autopilot to continually build your Tier 2 and 3 back links. I even use it sometimes to build some Tier 1 links, but more on that later.
Article Directory Submissions (1000+)
These link to your Tier 1’s
Submit your ‘Article 3’ to thousands of Article directories. Each articles should contain a random link your Tier 1 links! We do this with a few clicks of the mouse using GSA
Profile Links
These link to your Tier 1 properties + the Tier 2 article submissions
Again we use GSA and Ultimate Demon to create thousands of forum profile links pointing to random properties from our Tier 1 links. I also include links to the Articles that we created in the last step (Now you can see tier 3 coming into action)
Thousands of Blog comments
These link to your Tier 2 Article submissions + Forum profiles!
By now you can probably see that we are creating a lot of back links to or Tier 1 properties . Now you need to Spam the shit out of these Tier 2 links. Create a set of blog comments that randomly link to the profile forum links and Article submissions you created for the Tier 2’s. Again GSA will take care of this
Blast your Tier 2’s with Anything
You should now have a set of Tier 2 links. Use Kontent machine to create a spun article, it doesn’t produce great quality but it doesn’t matter here. Blast your Tier 2’s with any kind of links. Blog comments, Wikis, bookmarks… The lot!
Again GSA can do this and you can leave it running for a couple of weeks!
Advanced LInk Building (Go the extra mile)
Spy on your competitors and copy their link building profile. Lets say your site is currently ranked number 33. What do you think would happen if we could get the same back links as the sites ranked number 1, number 2, number 3, and so on?.. Sure we’d start climbing and eventually overtake them. There are a number of tools that you can use, such as SEO spy glass. Ahrefs (My favourite tool)
Build your own Mini Blog Network
If by this stage you are still not top for your keyword then I will show you some advanced SEO techniques to really boost your rankings, and this involves building your own high PR mini blog network.
Now building your own network of blogs to link from is considered ‘Black Hat’ and could get you slapped or de-indexed by Google.
But don’t worry about that! I’ll show you exactly how combat this so that your sites are completely untraceable from Google. You won’t leave a single footprint with the methods I use.
Lets say that the keyword you wanted to rank was ‘Cheap hotels in London’. Now what we would do is, build a few high PR blogs about the relevant keyword, such as a travel blog, a blog about London.
A blog about Hotels you have stayed in…. Ok you get the idea. Most of you won’t have to come this far because if you apply the previous link building techniques then you should gain high rankings.
Rinse and repeat – If you are competing in a ultra competitive market then you may need to rinse and repeat the steps above. Just keep doing this until you hit number 1
So there you have it. A brief summary of how to rank any site number 1 in Google. Over the next few Steps in this series I am going to go through all of the above in detail and show you exactly how to:
- Build Quality Tier 1 links
- Spin articles to use for link building (very important)
- Build manual web 2.0’s
- Set up Tier2 and 3 links to give your Tiers 1’s a ton of link juice
- How to use all of the software and tools I mentioned above
- Track all of your back links
- Build social links
- Develop a mini blog network
- See your site shoot up the SERP’s
Ive have only touched on the basics of my SEO strategy. Please continue to read the following steps for a more detailed approach!
If you liked what you read then please share it with others!
I hope you enjoyed this article. Please join me in the next Step where I will show you how to Spruce up your on page SEO factors

Subscribe to my blog and receive all of my latest SEO posts and case studies. SEO is constantly evolving so stay up to date and ahead of your competition. It's all FREE!
Warning: I do not spam you with offers or sell email addresses!
Hey Jason,
Awesome site man. Glad I found your website. I actually just found it on Google doing a random search for some other stuff. I follow Matthew’s and Charles blogs nice to see your on the same side of giving away awesome free information to help out. I’m 28 years old too. Started SEO about 2 years ago and have been learning a crazy amount in a short time. This post was awesome. I just built some manual web 2.0’s for my client and your tips helped. My next step is to start some niche sites for myself. Hoping your next post goes into detail about start a niche site. I saw your doing one on cold sores. I was going to do something similar for a medical condition to and use some affiliate marketing on it. Anything else you do to monetize medical niche websites?
Jason Reply:
November 28th, 2013 at 12:08 pm
Hi David
Thanks mate, it’s good to see the site is getting some rankings, Ive only just started adding all of this content so it’s good to see you found me on Google so quickly! Im still working frantically on the site. Regarding niche sites…. I have a great post about one of my niche sites that may help you out.
You are the first person to comment by the way 🙂
The cold sore site was one I made a couple of years ago but not touched. I may use that In a new experiment now that you have mentioned it!!!
David Longacre Reply:
December 22nd, 2013 at 1:55 am
Hey Jason,
Just came back and read all your posts again to get a refresher of your tactics. I have bought some expired domains, but it was my first time and not sure if they are good domains to start building as my private blog network. Maybe you can take a look at them for me.
Also wondering if you are still planning on doing a niche related blog post experiment. Wanted to follow along with you and start mine at the same time so I can get some good information to know what to do.
Also wanted to see what your take is on this whole tier link building fiasco. As Jacob King and Matthew Woodward have been writing on.
I know your information is pretty recent and sounds like you know what your doing. So wanted to see your take if you have any?
Jason Chesters Reply:
December 22nd, 2013 at 1:15 pm
Hey David
Yes sure, just drop me an email and I’ll take a look at them for you.
I’ll be doing a post on ranking a brand new affiliate site in the new year! so that should be exciting.
Regarding the Tier link building – I agree with jacob to a certain extent. The thing with SEO is that it’s evolving all of the time, so what is good one minute may not be so good the next! I still use UD but I have cut back on the amount of links I generate and I am also paying close attention to the quality of them. I will be updating this page with some changes!
My preferences are now moving towards building more manual links for Tier 1 + contextual links surrounded by great content
UD can still be a very good tool if you use it correctly
Hey Jas
Cool Site and some Hot Info .. Thank you so much Jason for the help.I agree with everything that has been said already, great advice and I am working on everything you told here and if I encounter any challenges I will come again for help for sure 🙂 . many thanks.
hi jason..
Very useful post i had ever found. I am from Indonesia, so forgive me for bad english haha..
I have question. When we develop link building, how long it takes, step by step, or how many natural links per day? or can we use UD to create backlink tier 1 or 2 in just one day?
Need your advise about it
Jason Chesters Reply:
March 10th, 2014 at 10:27 am
It’s important that you spread it out over a period of time. Gradually building back links is the best option. You can use UD and set it to drip feed
Hi Jason,
I came across your blog and found your posts really interesting to me. I wanted to down your PDF course. So I tweeted your post. But Still I can’t download it. What else should I do?
Thank you and look forward to your reply.
Jason Chesters Reply:
March 18th, 2014 at 10:42 am
Hi Luke
Once you clicked the share button the download link should have appeared. If not just drop me an email and I’ll send you a copy!
Jason …I really liked your post its very detailed and very thorough. I love reading about SEO and this is one of the posts that forced me read to the bottom. Usually i do not read full post i read 1st few lines and figure out if the post is wroth reading . But this post kept me reading till end and i can not believe i read such a long post.
Hi,Jason ! I found your site looking for more info about SEO Spy and was I blown off my feet. I looked around your site and
for the first time in a long time I not only read the whole article but was kind of disappointed it was over.Great info,very
practical and presented brilliantly. Now I definitely shall subscribe to your site and wait anxiously for further posts.
Best regards:
Jason Chesters Reply:
October 7th, 2014 at 4:22 pm
Thanks George, really appreciated. Glad people are enjoying my content.
Please remember to share it 🙂
Same issue as Luke cannot access the pdf after 3 tweet hahaha.
Well explain tutorial.
Hi, do you host your tier 2 sites on the same ip or you use a different host? Thanks
this is great and very informative post about your strategies. I am just curious if it is still working in 2015? You are using a lot of spun content, blog comments and automated spammy links, which I really dont like. I would like to build high quality seo, to avoid any penalty from google. I know this worked very well in past, but it is working still?