Step 4 – Prepare Killer Content
This is a very important step in this SEO guide. Get this wrong and all of your efforts can be wasted! Preparing your content in the correct way is very important, albeit it’s piss boring!
But stick with me because Im going to show you how to get unique articles and how to spin them on a ‘super level’. Article spinning is very important and most people fuck it up! so pay attention and I’ll show you how to do it correctly.
As you read on the introduction page. You are going to need 3 super spun articles.
Writing them can be a ball ache, so I always outsource them as you can get them pretty cheap these days. Buts important that they are well written articles that are unique and pass copy scape. I personally use
I have found them pretty good and for $x for 500 words it’s not too bad!
Order 3 articles on the topic of your niche/keyword. Try to mix it up a bit rather than having 3 articles on exactly the same thing!
When you receive your completed articles from Read through them and check for any mistakes. Save the articles as (Article 1, Article 2 and Article 3)
What exactly are these articles for?
We will be using all 3 articles in the later steps when we get round to building our links. Articles are important as they offer relevant content to your site and a lot of our Tier 1 back links will be coming from web 2.0’s and article directories! It’s important that you prepare all of this before building any links because if you don’t, things will quickly get on top of you and you will start to wonder what the hell you are doing! Trust me, I’ve done it!
Article 1 will be used for Web 2.0 properties
Article 2 will be used for Article submissions and Media content such as pdf’s and power points
Article 3 will be used mainly for Tier 2
We must ensure that every article we publish is different and unique. Now considering we are going to be publishing our articles hundreds, even thousands of times it is imperative that we spin them.
Super Spin the shit out of your articles
This is where I see a lot of people fail. They will load their article into a spinning program or software and click ‘re-write’, export and off they go!
Well let me tell you… This is lazy and is no good. In fact it’s harmful because your backlinks will stem from shitty content.
What me must do is spin our content to a very high level! and I’m going to show you exactly how to this right here.
1 – Open your first article and separate each sentence like Ive done below:
Getting an SEO service working for your business is a great way forward for your business growth.
You have understood that SEO is one of the most important web marketing strategies that need to be implemented in your business for an overall growth and online presence.
2 – You need to re-write each sentence twice. Select a different colour (I use blue) and start to type a different version of the sentence underneath the original one. Repeat this a second time, again using a different colour (this time i use red).
When you have done this it should look like this…..
Getting an SEO service working for your business is a great way forward for your business growth.
Moving your business forward with a SEO service is a great way to grow your online business.
Business growth can be achieved with a solid SEO service working too strengthen your buisiness.
You have understood that SEO is one of the most important web marketing strategies that need to be implemented in your business for an overall growth and online presence.
SEO is an important marketing tool when it comes to growing your overall business online, its probably the most important web marketing tool that you can implement.
Understanding that SEO is the most important factor to building your business is essential if you want to build your online presence.
3 – Do this for the whole article and then organise the sentences into paragraphs.
We will now use spintax so that each sentence rotates every time a new article is produced. Here is what each paragraph should look like:
{Getting an SEO service working for your business is a great way forward for your business growth.|
Moving your business forward with a SEO service is a great way to grow your online business.|
Business growth can be achieved with a solid SEO service working too strengthen your business.}{ You have understood that SEO is one of the most important web marketing strategies that need to be implemented in your business for an overall growth and online presence.|SEO is an important marketing tool when it comes to growing your overall business online, its probably the most important web marketing tool that you can implement.|Understanding that SEO is the most important factor to building your business is essential if you want to build your online presence.}
This will produce a random sentence from the first set of 3 and a random sentence from the second set of 3!
4 – Now It’s time to use Spinner Software
I actually use 2 different pieces of software however you can just stick to 1 if you like. If you opt for 1 then get ‘TheBestSpinner‘ as this does everything we need.
I personally like to use Spin-Rewrite because it’s easy to use, does not require any download and I can use it on my Mac. I personally use this to spin my articles but I use TheBestSpinner for other features that Spin-Writer does not have.
Ok, Copy and Paste your semi spun article into one of the spinners. For this example I am using Spin-Write
Click Rewrite Spin
You will notice that some of the words in your article are underlined. Now click on ‘One Click RE-write’
Select ‘correct’ as this is the safest option.
Tick the box for… ‘find synonyms for single words inside spun phrases as well (multi-level nested spinning)
Click the start one click re-write process
You will now be faced with something that looks like this…..
As you can see, the software has spun the article for us. Words highlighted green have been spun. Now this is where a lot of people fuck up because they stop there and use the article as it is.
Now this simply isn’t good enough and the end product probably wont make any sense. What you must do is go through the whole article manually and check every spun word to see if it makes sense. You also need to add more spun words.
To do this simply double click on any word and it will give you an option for various words. Select as many as you can that make sense. Once you have done this (boring I know) you can click continue to final step.
Click ‘Generate a unique version of text’
Now you will see a unique version of your article. Here is what our example paragraph looks like. (Iv’e not done any manual spinning at all, I just let the software do it, which is not recommended, but to be fair it’s done a pretty good job)
Moving your business forward with a SEO service is an excellent means to grow your online company. You have actually comprehended that SEO is among the most essential web marketing strategies that should be executed in your business for an overall growth and online presence.
By this stage you should realise that you need to spin your articles on a sentence level and then manually spin the words to create a super spun article. There is a very handy tool in TheBestSpinner which shows the overall uniqueness of your article:
Open TheBestSpinner
Click ‘Publish’ at the top
Click ‘Generate and Compare’
Enter 50
Click ‘Generate’
We are looking for most results to be above 80%
Outsourcing Your Content
Preparing your articles can be very tedious, not to mention time consuming. I now outsource all of this work as I simply don’t have the time to do this for every project that I do.
Here are the services I use:
ArticleContentSpinners – Great Value and they produce a fully spun article on many different levels. The level of quality is high and the turn around time is quick too! I use this service for all of my Tier 1 and Tier 2 spun Articles.
Other Content that you will need
As well as 3 super spun articles you are going to need a set of Titles and descriptions because when we come to build your Tier 1 links, we will have to submit this information into the software for bookmarks and web directories. You will also need at least 15+ Titles for your articles:
1 x Set of Bookmarks and Titles Spun (I do 10+ titles and 1 spun description)
1 x Set of Web directory Titles and Descriptions spun
1 x Set of related keywords (Use Scrapebox)
15+ Article Titles
1 x Vide including description (Use Fiverr to get a video)
I do this stuff myself as it only takes an hour or 2!
What you will need:
Get a copy of the best spinner
GreenlightArticles -They write good articles and they are quick!!

Hi there! I read couple of your articles and all I have to say they are really helpful! For example I didn’t know anything about sentence spinning. Will subscribe and hope you keep on publishing more kick-ass content!
Jason Chesters Reply:
January 30th, 2014 at 7:38 pm
Thanks George 🙂 I’ve got more great content lined up!!
Hi mate, so what level of spinning services from ArticleContentSpinners do you use on?
Jason Chesters Reply:
February 19th, 2014 at 3:26 pm
I usually find that the ‘3 sentence rewrites + nested words phrases’ works well. It’s about $20 and saves you a ton of time.
Article Spinning Service
Hi Jason,
Thanks for your suggestion.
Btw, do you see Matthew’s manual spinning article. Are the sentence rewrites + nested words phrases’ quality comparable to Matthew’s sample? How many unique articles would it be able to be use as in my tier building?
btw, i think there is some problem with your reply button. I click it and it says
Can’t find the ‘commentformid’ div.
Jason Chesters Reply:
February 24th, 2014 at 10:02 am
Thanks, I’ll take a look at the error…
Yes I have seen Matthew’s spinning article and yes they are comparable to that level. A really well spun article can be used hundreds of times!! i usually get 2 or 3 different articles spun for Tiered link building 🙂
Hi Jason,
i got another question,
what is the normal amount of links you set for your tier1 building for each campaign? And let’s say i have a spun article which can generate 100article of 65% and above? I should target 100 links in my campaign?
Jason Chesters Reply:
February 24th, 2014 at 10:04 am
There is no exact number I work at. Just try to get quality over quantity. Include no more than 2 links per article. Depending on the keyword you are targeting depends on how many links you will have to build!!
Hi Jason. Just a question regarding the spinning service. How many spun articles will I be getting using the service you recommended?
Jason Chesters Reply:
April 18th, 2014 at 9:46 pm
Hi Bruce
Not sure what you mean? a spun article is a spun article!! you get 1 and it produces thousands of different unique versions!!
Haha. Sorry if my question was unclear. What I meant was, how many spun articles will I received using the article spinning service? Will I be getting like 100 spun articles or more from them if I were to give them one unique article to spin?
Jason Chesters Reply:
April 19th, 2014 at 8:10 am
Bruce, If you give them 1 article they will spin it on whatever level you choose and then they give you 1 super spun article back. You then put it into an article spinner software to create as many unique versions as you like!!
Good Day Jason,
I have read lots of blogs before relative to this topic and I am grateful that I came across your blogs which is so concise and very helpful to some struggling networker like me, trying to do a blog to get some audience but it fails. now I know the difference. I will have to do this from now on.
Thanks very much, such a big help. God bless you.