Step 5 – Build Solid Tier 1 Links
If you followed the last step correctly then you should already have have some quality Tier 1 links in place from the manual web 2.0’s. You can now take a breather because most of the hard work is done!
Creating the content and manual Web 2.0’s is the challenging part, the rest can be taken care of with software! There are 2 pieces of software/services I use for Tier 1’s and will go through both of them here.
You can see my ‘Essential SEO Software‘ page here
But for Tier 1 links I use UAW, Ultimate Demon, Link Emperor and GSA. Building a good set of Links pointing to our money site is essential.
But be warned! using any Software to build tier 1 links must be approached with caution! You must get it set up correctly or you will be doomed. Don’t try to build millions of links. We are looking for relevant niche related links, preferably contextual!
UPDATE: SEO is changing all of the time. I would not advise using UD anymore for Tier 1. It’s important to have total control over your tier 1 links, therefore I suggest building your own private blog network to achieve this
It’s also essential that you build the right type of links or you could get a slap in the face from Google. Luckily, I explain everything yo need to know right here. Work your way through this page and your site will soon have a ton of high quality, relevant backinks.
Both offer a similar link profile but Ultimate Demon is a piece of software that you can get for a one off fee, where as Link Emperor requires you to purchase credits and then use them to generate links.
Start out by diversifying with UAW
A lot of SEO’s probably won’t recommend UAW because they edge towards Ultimate Demon because of the large Affiliate payment, Now although I do use Ultimate Demon myself for some of my link building, I do understand it is quite expensive.
Using UAW will provide us with a solid foundation of links. The important thing here is to make sure that you DO NOT use any keyword Anchors that you are trying to rank for. Again many SEO’s will tell you to build links with keyword anchors.
But I go against this because it’s unnatural and you will get slapped by Google if you start to do this early doors.
What we want is a number of contextual links coming from niche related pages, and we want our anchor links to be:
- Our brand/business name
- our URL in different formats:,,
- Generic words such as: Click here, go to, visit, post
This will look totally natural and UAW does a great job of this.
- Simply order your Spun articles Here
- Enter the Articles into UAW – See My Tutorial on how to do this
- Submit and drip feed them with no more than 5 per day
That’s it, you have built a solid and natural looking Foundation. I highly recommend that you check out this post about building links without keyword anchors
Tier 1 Link building – preparation
You already have your content ready, Great! but before we begin to kick start the Tier 1 campaign it is VERY important that we scrape list of target sites. To do this we use a tool called Scrapebox. This is the Bee’s Knees of SEO tools. It’s extremely powerful and you will be blown away with it’s capacities.
If you only purchase 1 SEO tool then make sure it is ScrapeBox. I think its about $97, but well worth it. There are tons of amazing features and it can do practically anything!
Very soon you will be in love with Scrape Box 🙂
Im not going to go through the millions of benefits right now. I will just show you what you need to do for this part of the linking campaign. When we use Ultimate Demaon or Link Emperor to set up a Link campaign we are going to need to tell it what sites we want to target.
It’s not good targeting random sites because Google is not going to reward your Dog walking website for having a backlink from a London Travel guide site!
Our Tier 1 links need to have a connection and be somewhat niche related!
Here’s how to scrape thousands of targeted sites:
Open scrape box –
First you must set up private proxies. It is very important that you do this.I personally use xxxx. and I have 25 dedicated proxies. (You will also need these for UD) For a full guide on this + other great features of scrapebox you can check out Jacob King’s Guide to Scrapebox
Now you have your proxies set up it’s time to scrape your keywords.
Click ‘Keywords’ and enter a couple of keywords in the left box
- Click ‘Scrape’
- You will now see a big list of keywords in the right box
- Click ‘Remove Duplicate Keywords’
- Copy and paste the remaining keywords and save them in a text file,
- Go back to the main Scrapebox screen , click Import and import the Keywords
For the next step you will need 2 separate files. A footprints file and a merge list. Don’t worry if you dont have a list of footprints or a merge list, you can download mine right here! Just click one of the social share links below and the files will become available for download.
- You have already imported your list of keywords. Now click the ‘M’ merge button in the top left and select the .footprints file that you just downloaded.
- Do exactly the same for the .Merge file
- You will now have hundreds of thousands of scraped sites.
- Make sure proxies are active and click ‘Harvest’
Warning – It could take a couple of days for the harvesting to complete, so just leave your computer running and do something else. I actually have a separate PC for this type of stuff. If this is not feasible you can run this on a VPS.
When it has complete click ‘Check PR’
Export this list as an Exl. file.
I usually do this 2 or 3 times with different keywords. You can also discard all site with a pr less than 1
Set up Powerful Tier 1 Links using Ultimate Demon
Ultimate Demon is a fantastic tool for build links. It’s very robust and offers you great control over all of the links it produces. It is also one of the cheapest tools out there and is easy to use! It’s my personal favourite and Im going to show you exactly how to use it right here.
Set It up properly
Here is a quick look at the main screen. Along the top you will see 3 options under settings. The first is Proxies. Use BuyProxies and import them here. Make sure you test them to see if they work and then click save!
Next is ‘Ping Servers‘ – If you want a list of ping servers you can download my list at the end of this page. Import them into UD
Lastly is ‘Visual aid‘ – Here you must enter your Death by Capture details. This is the capture service that I use because it’s the cheapest. Click here for Death by capture.
Now we want to import the target sites that we just created using scrape box.
– Click ‘Sites’
– Click the Green +
– Select all and paste your list of targeted sites into the box
– Click Start
This could take hours so come back to it later.
Everything else should be set to default
Thats the software set up, now lets start a project!
Set up a new project In Ultimate Demon
Here are the types of links we are going to build
- Web 2.0’s
- Article directory
- Wikis
- blog posts
- press releases
- video
Do Not Build Social Bookmarks or Directory links! We want all of out Tier 1 links to be contextual links, surrounded by quality content
In Ultimate Demon we have to set up each one individually, but dont worry, it’s pretty quick and simple if all your content is prepared. If it isn’t then get your ass back to step 4 – Creating killer content.
We are going to schedule our Tier 1 links over a couple of weeks.
Target high PR Sites for Powerful links using
*Click new projects and give it a name*
Web 2.0’s
Firstly we are going to set up some web 2.0’s. These are different than the manual web 2.0’s we set up earlier because this time we are using ultimate Demon to create a whole bunch of them using Spun Article 1, (which we created earlier) We use spun article 1 as this is the article which we embedded images and videos.
Create new web 2.0 task
There are 3 different sections to fill in. start with the first one by clicking the green +
You can leave the categories blank here. Sort by PR and select a couple of hundred of the top PR sites and then click add. This is important as we want to make sure that we are selecting the best sites that will give us better links.
Now you need to go to the account profile tab and fill in the required fields. Half of it has already been done for you. THe fields you must fill in are:
Email (You will need to create a new email account or use and old one that is lieing around. A lot of people get a hotmail or gmail one but I have found that it’s best to use one from a proper domain, such as You can create new email accounts in your Cpanel. Warning: don’t use the domain that you are trying to rank. Just use something completely different.)
Author Bio
Website Titles
Sub domain
Min title
Sub title
Make sure all of these fields are spun!!
The final tab is the Web 2.0 details tab. This is where you enter the actual spun article. Enter your spun set of titles, article and keywords.Once you have done this you should click on ‘Contextual links’.
Enter a name for your niche and then import a load of related keywords. (use scrape box). Then you want to import a set of URL’s to link to.
Basically what this does is, it adds links to other sites as well as ours so that it looks natural. If every web 2.0 we created only linked to us, it would look a bit dodgy.
To get a list of URL’s simply go to scrapebox. enter the keywords and click harvest, after a couple of seconds click stop and just hight a few dozen url’s and cop/paste them into the contextual link box in ultimate Demon! Choose to randomly insert 0 – 3
Now you want set up the schedual.
Click ‘Schedual for late’
retry 5 times and verify email after 60 minutes
Spread evenly over 10-14 days
Submission speed normal
That’s It. Your Web 2.0’s are scheduled and ready to go. Ultimate Demon will now get to work and start building them.
Now we want to repeat the process but this time we will set up our articles. Start by click the new task and selecting articles.
Click on ‘Select Sites’
This time we want to enter categories. Enter your categories and then add some general ones at the end, such as, news, general, misc, interesting
Click sort by PR and then select the top few hundred results and click ‘add’.
Now go to the ‘Account profile’ Tab and fill out the form as you did with the Web 2.0’s.
Also you do the same in the Article details tab, except this time we want to upload Spun Article 2, and a different set of spun titles.
Again schedule this over 10-14 days and your done
Repeat this process with Social bookmarking, Directories and wikis. Once you have set all of these up go back to the main interface and start your campaigns.
Ultimate Demon will now begin to build all of these links for you over the period that you specified
Check out this video from Matthew Woodward on how to set up your Tier 1 links in Ultimate Demon
There are also lots of other useful guides and videos about that tell you how to use Ultimate Demon, so instead of writing all of this stuff I thought I may a swell just tell you where to find it.
Here is another video you can check out to help get the most out of your profiles. This should be done after your Tiered 1 link campaign has finished
When you are happy with your Tier 1 links you should get them all together, including the UD links, manual Web 2.0’s and video links. Put them all together in an excel sheet as we will need these later when we come to Tier 2 link building.
Link Emperor – Option number 2 for building Tier 1 Links
Maybe you don’t want to use Ultimate Demon or you don’t want the up front costs. Maybe you have a Mac and cant download it. Whatever the reason, I don’t care! but what I do care about is Link Emperor.
One of the Great advantages of LE is that it’s not a piece of software, it’s more of a service, so you don’t have to piss about setting up proxies and captchas etc.
LE has a easy to use interface and gives you a load of different link types. It’s a credit system so you simply deposit $147 and you get 30,000 credits to spend, which means you can get a shit load oflinks!
It covers pretty much the same platforms as Ultimate Demon with the usual web 2.0’s, article directories, wiki’s and the rest of them. The only thing you have to do is to import your target list and keywords and select what link types you want.
What you will need:
Continue reading…
> Step 6 – Social signals are the future

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Thanks for the link dude, haha, are those my screenshots? I knew I should have watermarked those bitches 😉
And hey, get your cloak on –
Jason Reply:
December 3rd, 2013 at 8:55 am
Ha, Cheers Jacob, Yeh I used your screenshots on this page until I got around to doing my own, but if you don’t mind then I’ll leave them as they are 😉
Thanks for the ‘cloak’ link, I still have a ton of stuff to do on my blog but I will get around to doing that very soon!!
Jacob King Reply:
December 4th, 2013 at 9:09 pm
No worries dude, just messing with ya, feel free to use them.
Hi. Shared but a link for footprints didn’t become visible.
Jason Chesters Reply:
December 7th, 2013 at 5:25 pm
Sorry Paul, I’ve not added them yet but I will do it very soon. I’m still working frantically on the site and to be honest, I didn’t expect to start getting traffic so soon. I’ll make sure they are added though!
The footprints and merge lists are now available!
I understand nearly everything until I get to the Tiered guides with all of the tools as I’ve never used or purchased any before. Once I get some ROI from sites I will invest in all of these through your site, but until then:
1) Do you ever do relevant PR blog commenting and direct it directly to your money site? Using a persons name or maybe a partial keyword as the anchor? Or even profile links, stuff of that nature?
2) Do you think personally making/writing a few manual 2.0s using urls/brand name anchor variations; as well as buying a couple PR blog networks using urls and exact anchors, plus relevant PR blog commenting for anchor diversity is enough to rank most sites?
I’m really trying to avoid tool’d tier link building or anything automated until I have a firm grasp of doing stuff manually as well as some passive income again.
Jason Chesters Reply:
February 9th, 2014 at 10:37 am
Hey Jack
1)Yes, relevant pr blog commenting is fine, as long as it is relevant and you use your name as the anchor to be safe.
2) It really depends on your niche and keywords. Check your competitors to see what is working for them!! You may find that this is enough or you may find that you need much more.
hi, thanks for details.
I scrape list for UD but I found there are few high pr sites in my list and it’s hard to post articles in these sites. For these high pr sites, I always manually publish articles. Did I do anything wrong and can you give me some suggestion?
hey Jason this is awesome !!!
can i use kontent machine + the best article = 100 article ( generated by these ) for my tier 1 sites ( web 2.0 , article submission etc ) if it yes how is this quality ? can i rank my site ?
thank you
Hi Jason,
is it possible to tweak GSA to do my T1 with scrape targets? I’ve heard Jacob King using GSA mostly for everything, so can’t it work for T1?