August Round Up – Traffic And Income

Filed in Blog, Monthly Round Up & Earnings by on September 1, 2014 5 Comments

This is my 10th Traffic and Income report and it’s been a busy month to say the least. My main intention this month was to publish more content, and I think I managed to do a good job considering the circumstances!

I set myself a few targets to complete this month and I managed most of them done. Every month I publish my traffic and income reports so that I can keep on top of everything and give myself a clear goal. It’s always good to be transparent as it motivates me to work even harder!!




What have I got up to in August

It’s safe to say that August has been one of the best months of my life, and that is because my girlfriend gave birth to our beautiful baby son. He was born on August 21st and since then I have done no work on the blog.

Had a Baby!

Having a baby is a real life changer and it certainly opens your eyes to a few things. It has also given me the motivation to work harder and make a success out of this blog as I feel I need to provide for my son!



Done for you Private Blog Network

Last month I launched my ‘Done for you Private Blog Network’ service. So if you are looking for a boost in rankings and more traffic to your site. This service is for you


Purchased websites

Last month I revealed that I had purchased another website in a similar niche to this one. I spent most of my time working on that for the first couple of weeks of the month and I can report that things are going well.

I have included it in my earnings report below, but have kept it separate from this blogs actual earnings. I will be looking at building my portfolio of niche sites to generate a solid passive income. I will be building new sites as well as acquiring established sites. So if you have any niche sites for sale just let me know!!


Used LongTailPro

Last month I said that I wanted to increase my organic traffic to over 1000. One way of achieving that was to pick up more long tail traffic. So I got to work using the Long Tail Pro Software and I started to find some good keywords that I could incorporate into my posts. This obviously paid off as my organic traffic increased by around 500 which is great!


Posts Published This Month

Even though I have just had a new baby son I managed to get 3 posts published this month. Unfortunately I did not have time to do my monthly top 10 posts.

August also saw our first guest post by Dan from Domain Colosseum. – This is our first guest post that teaches you how to find the best expired domains. A great resource in todays world of SEO – SEO can be expensive, in this post I show you how you can make it affordable and manageable – PBN’s are very popular at the minute, this posts shows that they do actually work



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Traffic slightly down on last month and I can put that down to my lack of promotion. I really want to break through the 4k mark and to that I will need to get involved on the forums again!


Where did the traffic come from?

As you probably know by now, I am very conscious of my Google organic traffic and this is the one thing I want to see increasing all of the time. So far it has increased every month since starting the blog, which is a great sign that it is heading in the right direction!

As you can see, my Google traffic was 1374 which is fantastic as one of my goals this month was to increase this to over 1000. That’s an extra 500 visitors to the blog via Google from last month!!

Unfortunately other sources dropped a bit which is why we haven’t seen an overall increase in traffic.


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Most popular pages

As usual my post about private blog networks is on top spot, but it’s good to see my new posts making an entrance!




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Email sign ups and social media

Last month we saw a massive increase in Twitter followers. I expect that number to drop this month due to some of them ‘un-following’.

Email subscribers =  237 (+21)

Twitter = 531 (-21)

Google+ = 216 (+23)




This is probably your favourite part. Last month saw our biggest profit yet, but this was mainly down to the payment I received for an ecommerce site that I built. This mont I received the other half.

HMA = $62

Services/consultancy = $267

Client E-commerce site = $1500

Total profit for DSY = $1829


Profit from Purchased websites

Site 1 = +$760



Hosting = -$29


Total overal Profit =+$2,560 

Another record breaking month, but that is down to the payment for the ecommerce site + earnings from my newly purchased site.



Not much change since last month

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An exciting month for me with the birth of my first child. It was also the blogs highest earning month and organic traffic continues to increase!! Still didn’t get my guest post published which was disappointing, but I’ll try again net month.


Plans for next month

Having received some good feedback from you guys it seems that you are interested in seeing more tutorials and case studies. So next month I am hoping to post a video tutorial and a case study. I will also be working on my niche site that I did an SEO audit on a few weeks ago. If I can increase traffic to my niche site it will make for a great case study.

I will try to get my Google organic traffic up to 1500+ and I really need to spend more time on the forums so that I can break the 4k visitor barrier. I really need to publish at least 3 new articles per month to continue increasing my organic traffic!

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Comments (5)

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  1. Marc says:

    Congrats on the birth of your son! I became a father about 2 years ago and you are definitely right about having more motivation.


    Jason Chesters

    Jason Chesters Reply:

    Thanks Marc, yes it does seem to spark something inside of you to work harder. It’s a nice feeling though!!


  2. Nauf Sid says:

    That’s cool Jason!! Congratulations on the birth of your son. Maybe he will start doing SEO instead of learning ABCD. LOL


  3. Hey Jason,

    Long time no speak. Congrats on the baby mate.

    Nice to see NicheHacks is in your top 10 traffic sources and from looking at it has the lowest bounce rate, and almost the top pages per session number.

    Cool ha ha. 😀


    Jason Chesters

    Jason Chesters Reply:

    Thanks Stuart

    Ha yes, good quality traffic, thats what I like to see 🙂


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