Tutorial: How to find insanely HOT keywords using Long Tail Pro
Keyword research is a vital component of SEO. I have come to realise this as I have gained more experience. When I first started out I completely ignored keyword research…. Oh what a mistake that was.
Now I use ‘Long Tail Pro’. I admit, it’s great!! So here is a quick tutorial on how you can use it to quickly find really profitable and easy to target keywords.
I’ll even show you how I find tons great money making niches….
(My first video, so please excuse my rustiness!!)
> Try Long Tail Pro Yourself Here <
I also used LongTail Pro to find the niche that I am targeting in my ‘Amazon niche site case study’.
I have also used it to increase my organic traffic to this very blog.
So I hope you enjoyed the short tutorial. I’ll promise to make my next video a little better 🙂

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Tags: Keyword research
Hey Jason,
I must say I was expecting a lot more good info from you on this tutorial. This is was very noob basic stuff. Seeing how it was your first video tutorial usually they have more inside secrets. Anyways thanks for blowing up baby monitors lol I was just about to start on this one.
Jason Chesters Reply:
September 26th, 2014 at 9:04 am
Hey David
Yeh it was my first video and maybe I should have worked on adding more info. Guess my mind was concerned on getting the thing to work as I’ve not done videos before!
I’ll do another post on keyword research that covers things in much more detail!!
I’ve gone through How I Rank my websites.
I got it completely. The only question is that these strategies will work for long run websites ?
Because I’m sensing a niche styling here ?
If these strategies are for long run too ? then what is up with the backlink building ?
Can i use the backlink building strategies for long run website
i.e Tier 1,2 Web 2.0 or PBN