My New Web Design Service
I know its been a long time since I last posted, I really need to start spending more time on this blog and start providing you guys with some quality info on SEO, after all, that’s how you ended up here!
I’ve been extremely busy over the past 12 months, working on my other Online business + Webdesigncone and working to grow that. I have had some good success and it’s all starting to come together nicely. Oh, we had our 2nd baby too! so as you can imagine, it’s been a little hectic around here.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I have added a new part to my company (JLC Marketing Ltd) and that is a web design service!!
So if you guys are ever looking for a web designer we have a great team ready to build your perfect website, from a simple blog to a fully fledged e-commerce site
You can check out my new site here > Web design service
Just drop me an email if you want to discuss a new project
So why have I set up a web design service?
Well to be honest, I never set out to be a web designer. I only ever built web sites for myself. One day a friend asked If I could build him a site for his new business, I accepted and from there onwards I get approached quite often from friends, associates, even people on the golf course looking for me to build them a website.
I have to admit, it is something I enjoying doing, and I realised that I must be doing a pretty good job if Im getting business without any form of advertising what so ever!
Therefore I have decided to step it up a bit and launch a fully fledge web design business that will run under my company. Adding new revenue streams to my company is something I am always looking to do, and design websites for clients is certainly a step in the right direction.
As I type I have just finished a brand new commerce site for a friend of mine who is absolutely delighted with the results.
Hopefully I will continue to add different components to my company and I’ll keep you updated along the way.
We also offer local SEO and graphic designs too so feel free to email me anytime.
Thanks for reading and I’ll do my best to get some posts added on a regular basis
Catch you soon
Oh, and remember to check out and add it to your list of contacts