November Round Up – What have I done!
This is my first report on and hopefully the first of many!
Each month I will publish a report on everything I have done and the things I have got up to. I will also include my income from this site and traffic stats etc…
Basically you can keep track on how the blog is progressing each month and hopefully it will inspire you to do the same.
Why did I start
A few years back I was casually browsing through expired domains and caught my eye and was available. At the time it was ranked number 3 for the exact match Domain and it was relatively cheap.
I cant remember the exact price but I know it wasn’t expensive. I started to have all kinds of ideas of how I could create a site around the domain.
So I went and purchased it!
I added 2 or 3 pages of content but then other projects took over my time and I just left the site sitting their. I had all of these great ideas of what I wanted to do but I just never got around to doing it.
A few years later I got some inspiration!
I had been working with SEO and niche sites for quite a long time and during this time I was gaining more knowledge. I was doing some Tiered back linking on one of my niche sites when I came across Matthew Woodward’s tiered link building videos. This then lead me to his blog which I thought was great.
It’s just how I envisioned my site to be like when I first purchased the domain a few years back.
Feeling motivated and inspired, I decided to implement some of Matthews techniques on one of my other sites. (BetInfo24) A sports betting blog… Nothing to do with SEO!
Once I had completed that site I felt the urge to get off the ground! So I began frantically writing content. I just opened the text editor and started typing away. I just wrote it as I saw it, straight to the point and included everything I new about this subject.
The link building process is quite a long process, So I decided to split it up into sections, this is how my SEO Blueprint was born!
This wasn’t all I had planned! although I want to offer as much as I possibly can about SEO, I also wanted to include lots of SEO Experiments and Case Studies.
Everybody loves a good case study and I actually find that I learn more by reading case studies and experiments from successful people than I do from ‘how to’ guides and tutorials!!
So this is exactly what I am going to do!!
My first month
As November is the first official month there are not any earnings or traffic to report because I have been working my ass of on creating the content for the blog. I started at the beginning of the month and I have typed somewhere in the region of 25,000 words!!
Content – What I have posted this month!
I began by produced the link building guide – This was a 8 step process and is now available on the blog under ‘How I rank my sites’
It consists of the following posts:
– How to rank any site number 1 in Google
– Get your on page factors right
– Build ‘powerful’ manual web 2.0 properties
– Social signals are the future
– Build Tier 2 links for serious link juice
Other Posts that I published:
– Build your own powerful blog network – This is something I have a fair amount of knowledge about and I produced a post showing you exactly how to build your ow private network.
– Want to rank a new site? (Don’t use Keyword Anchor)
– Why has my site lost rankings [solved] – This started out as a quick experiment to see why one of my niche sites lost rankings. It’s now turned into an epic post with a full analysis of my niche site. It’s currently on 4,500 words and still going. You can learn a ton from this post so make sure you check it out!
So as you can see, I have written an incredible amount of content in just 1 month!
In-between creating all of the content I have been tinkering with the blog design and features. I installed the WP theme and created a header. The site is about doing SEO yourself, so I thought fuck it! I’ll do the Logo myself ;-).
I simply scribbled it in paint, but I actually think its quite good and fits well with the blog
I added a few plugins including ‘Magic action box’ to create the opt-in forms that you see at the end of the posts and in the side bar.
I also added an about me page
Theres still plenty to do but I have the basics of the blog set up!
As I said earlier, this is the first month and I have done zero promotion as I have been concentrating on content. I didnt want to get visitors to my blog if it had little content. I want my visitors to feel fulfilled by the free content that I publish.
The also has no rankings as Google dropped the site after a few algorithm updates. Can’t blame them really as the site was just sitting there doing nothing for years!
A whopping ZERO clicks!! Lol
As there has been absolutely no traffic, there are obviously no earnings. So there is not much point publishing anything else right now because there is nothing to show!
Round up
My first month is over and it’s been an extremely busy one at that! Although the blog has had no traffic or no earnings I am very pleased with my progress. I’ve produced 11 posts and a lot of very good content that hopefully you will enjoy! My short term target is to produce even more great content before I promote the blog.
In fact, why am I even writing this? because I get no traffic at the minute, so you will only be reading this once I have added more content and I have promoted the site anyway. HaHa!!
I think I will leave it there fore now. I have lots to do in December and I am really excited with the progress of my blog. More content and more features will be added!
Check out all of my Traffic and Income reports Here

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Hey Jason,
Thats weird it shows no traffic I have been coming to site almost everyday to see if you have any new posts for the past week and half. Also your might want to fix your title “Search engine Optimisation” should be “Search Engine Optimization”. Anyways I know once people find your site like I did they well very much enjoy as I did. Cant wait for your new posts man.
Jason Chesters Reply:
December 7th, 2013 at 5:21 pm
I did think that actually! Not sure why it showed no traffic, it has started to show traffic for December, but I will look into it.
Thanks for the heads up mate, I’m from the UK so slightly different spelling 😉
Jason Chesters Reply:
December 7th, 2013 at 5:42 pm
I have just Checked my analytics and it seems its showing no visits up until December 2nd when I migrated the site to a new host. Oh well, it’s working ok now and there was probably only the odd visit in November.
Onwards and upwards from here 🙂
Hi Jayson,
Great blog you started here. Keep it up, and it’ll be interesting to see how much progress you can make. I am on a similar mission with my personal website, which has been around for a long time. I neglected it for several years while working fulltime jobs, and regret not sharing some of the insight and strategies I’ve learned. With this new year, I hope to change all that.
Best of luck!
Jason Chesters Reply:
January 4th, 2014 at 10:01 am
Thanks Mike, Glad you like it and good luck with your site 🙂