October 2014 – Top 10 Posts Published
We had some really good posts last month and this month is no different. I’d go as far to say that this month has seen some of the best content yet!!
Yet again I have done a lot of reading and found some great resources for you to get your teeth into. As always, I have put together the top 10 posts published.
#1 – Cyrus shepard – 7 Concepts of Advanced On-Page SEO
Really loved this post by Cyrus. He goes into detail about how Google is using On page factors to determine relevancy and structure. Certainly worth a read if you are looking to improve your rankings!!
#2 The back linking strategy that works
Back in 2010 Pat Flyn published a case study for a new niche site and covered the back link strategy that worked. Obviously a lot has changed since then and Brian Dean has done a great update post highlighting what works today – great read!!
#3 – The definitive guide to keyword research
Another one to bookmark. This is a great guide to doing Keyword research, not only is the info great, but the presentation is excellent too!!
#4 – Growing a social media following from nothing
If you are looking at growing your social media following then this post by Matt Barby explains some creative ways in which you can use to build your following
# 5Adam Dorfman – Factors Affecting Pigeon
This one caused quite a stir amongst the commentors, an interesting read about the Pigeon update and how it affects local searches
#6 Paddy Moogan – The future of link building
SEO is an ever changing game, Paddy has done a great job of looking back and assessing the future of link building. Another Moz entry that is worth a look
#7 Brandon Seymour How to optimise your site for sematic search
Something I have been reading quite a bit about lately. Brandon explains how Google is adapting and how sematic search is becoming more important.
#8 Ian Clearly, 8 SEO ranking factors you can’t ignore
Ian weighs up the most important ranking factors that are working today.
#9 Bryan Eisenberg – 37 SEO experts in the know
Looking to further your SEO knowledge? Bryan has put together a list of SEO experts that are worth following
#10 – Ashley Faulks – 15 experts share there worst blogging advice
Something a little different and it’s not often we see posts about sharing their ‘worst’ advice. It’s always good to learn from others mistakes
Grab a coffe and enjoy!!

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