October Round Up – Traffic and Income
I don’t know where the time has gone but it’s been 1 year since I started this blog, which means it’s my 12th Traffic and income report.
It’s been a great journey so far and the blog has made some good progress. Rather than including my journey in this post I will write a separate post to take you through my first 12 months!!
As usual I will publish everything I have done including the traffic and income, personal goals and blog metrics.
What have I got up to In October
This month was a little different for me as I spent 3 weeks away with my family. I did manage to get a bit of work done during that time but the majority of my work was done during the first 10 days of October!
Enjoyed Sushi in the sun!!
Added App Sumo
If you were wondering what App I used for the social share bar down the right hand side its called App Sumo. I also use them for the Opt in bar at the top!!
So far the Opt in bar had brought in 35 new subscribers!!
Content Promotion
I spent a little time doing some content promotion and I came across a cool site called snip.ly
Basically this allows you to curate other peoples content which shows your call to action. I found it a great tool but I think you need to have an established following to take full advantage of it.
I also spent a bit of time interacting with people on Twitter. I simply searched for related quires and then tweeted the people recommending certain posts on my blog.
Twitter traffic is up this month so maybe some of it paid off!
Featured on Afteroffers.com
I was involved in another expert round up post. Last month I was featured on Healthywealthy and now I have done another for Afteroffers. These are a great way to get noticed and it’s always nice to be included in such round ups with other influential bloggers!!
New Posts Published this month:
Just the 3 posts this month but one included an epic round up post that has brought in some decent traffic and social shares!!
http://doseoyourself.com/amazon-niche-site-case-study-series-1/ – My Amazon niche site case study. Something I have been meaning to do for a while now. I am going to build a site from scratch and publish everything I do. In this post I have outlined my intentions and targets
http://doseoyourself.com/expert-bloggrs-content-marketing/ – 28 expert bloggers reveal their number 1 content marketing technique. This is an epic round up and has been shared hundreds of times across the social media platforms. These are the kind of posts the help the blog to grow!!
http://doseoyourself.com/october-2014-top-10-posts/ – As usual I did a round up of the top 10 SEO and Internet marketing posts published. This month saw some crackers and they are definitely worth a read!
Last month I broke the 4k barrier. This month I didn’t set myself any targets as I new I would be away for 3 weeks!!
Another record breaking month with 4,849 visitors!! That’s mainly down to the round up post which brought in almost 500 visitors in one day as you can see from the spike.
Where did that traffic come from
Unfortunately my organic traffic dipped slightly which is a bit disappointing, however my direct traffic jumped quite a lot. It’s also good to see more traffic from G+
Blackhatworld traffic is dropping month on month so I really need to spend more time on their.
My next target will be to hit 2000 organic searches
Most popular pages
Pretty obvious that my round up post got the most hits with over 1000 page views
Email sign ups and social media
Still moving slowly but this is something I really need to focus on. Next year I will be putting a lot more effort into building my membership base
Email subscribers = 290 (+31)
Twitter = 570 (+31)
Google+ = 263 (+33)
HMA = $77
Aweber = $6
Consultancy = $180
Services = $275
Total income for DSY = $538
Profit from purchased website
Site 1 = $1,514
Hosting = $29
VA’s = $90
Total overal profit = +$1933.40
Up over $500 on last month and that is thanks to the progress of affiliate site 1. So far that site has shown an increase every month.
Note: I do not include any income from my already established online businesses, I only publish income that is a direct result of this blog!
Not much change again, apart from opensiteexplorer have a new layout
After taking a long break the blog progressed nicely with an increase in traffic. I managed to get a couple of new posts out and I have also played around with new social share buttons and opt-in bars. Profits remain steady again and my new affiliate site made over $1.5k!!
It’s been 12 months already but I still have a long way to go, but I will keep going and hopefully in another 12 months time I will have taken the blog a long way!
Plans for next month
Firstly I plan to publish an epic post and then I am going to go all out in terms of promotion. I want to see if it is better to concentrate on 1 super awesome post and then promote the hell out of it, rather than just keep publishing posts and moving on.
So my plan is to get this post out by the middle of November and then spend the next 2 weeks promoting it. I have learned a lot about content marketing this month so I want to put it action!
If all goes well my traffic should also increase as a result of this one post. Would be great to hit 2000 organic searches
I will also be working on my Amazon niche site case study, although this is a long term project!

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Great month Jason! I look forward to your epic post this month!
your income reports are growing steadily
how much benefit did you got from the featured posts ?
Jason Chesters Reply:
November 12th, 2014 at 9:38 pm
Well we certainly got a lot of shares and visibility. Also a jump in traffic. Every little helps!
Hey Jason,
I saw your report on Matt’s blog and thought I should stop by to say hi.
It’s impressive how your blog is doing after just a year. Not many are seeing these great results
Good luck bro
Jason Chesters Reply:
November 28th, 2014 at 8:06 pm
Thanks man! Looking forward to the next 12 months, hopefully I can keep on growing it 🙂
Hey Jason looks like you had a great month. I found your blog from Matthew’s blog.
Keep up the great work. I am going to go check out that amazon niche site post.