Step 1 – On Page Factors
It’s All About The Content
SEO is dead! you’ve probably heard it said……
What a load of BO*!ӣ$
Sorry for the rather blunt introduction, but its true. How many times have you heard that SEO is dead, link building doesn’t work. On page SEO is no longer relevant etc..
Let me tell you straight, SEO is not dead, it’s alive and kicking and Im going to show you exactly how its done.
One thing I do agree on is that SEO is becoming more difficult, but this is actually a blessing in disguise because it fishes out all of the spammy wannabe SEO’s that don’t know what they are talking about, and that leaves knowledgeable people to step in and dominate the rankings with less competition!
Now this is the first step in my SEO Blueprint guide. I am assuming that you already have your site set up and ready to go. In this ‘Tutorial’ if thats what you want to call it, Im going to be taking about on page SEO factors, and the first and most important factor is content.
Content is King
Google have made it very clear that the quality of your content goes a long way to determine your ranking in the SREPs. No longer can you copy/paste any old crap, fill it with your keywords and watch your site fly to the top. Google have clamped down hard on this and it’s important that you make sure your content is unique, well written and offers value!
In fact, it’s imperative, or is it?
I have taken this from the Google webmaster blog. These are the type of questions you should be asking yourself when it comes to the content of your site:
Now I know you can not adhere to all of this and I don’t expect you too. It also doesn’t guarantee you rankings. Can the Google Algorithms really detect quality content over mediocre content?
I don’t think so! I wouldn’t worry to much about the above. I have seen sites rank with little or no content over sites that have a ton of useful content. So phsssss!! to Google…
Here are my essential checks! Just make sure you get these right and your site will be fine!
- Make sure it is unique (You can check this using CopyScape)
- Make sure that your content makes sense and that your spelling, punctuation and grammar is spot on!
- Make sure your articles are a decent length, at least 500 words. I like to include articles over a 1000 words because I think Google is taking more consideration to the length of your articles.
- Use Bold to highlight various keywords and keyword variations
- Include your main Keyword in the 1st Paragraph and last paragraph (Quite old school but still works)
- DO NOT overdue your keywords. Keep your keyword density down to below 4%
- Link out to other niche related sites. This will give you authority as Google see’s that you are offering useful information.
- Internal links – This has become a greater factor outlined by Google. You should interlink your pages. Not only does this help with your sites navigation, but it also helps the spiders to crawl your pages.
- If you are promoting an affiliate product, don’t just put your affiliate link all over your front page. I got slapped by Google for this!
- Make sure to include Sub headings
- Meta tags and descriptions are becoming less important, but I still make sure they are done, and are relevant.
How to make sure you have got all of these checks sorted!
If you are using WordPress, which I do for most of my sites, then you will need a plugin like Push Button SEO (This is not an affiliate link by the way). This is a great little plugin for helping you with your on page SEO.
Once all of your bars are ‘green’ then you are good to go.
I use this tool on every page of my site, and the reason for this is because it helps to get more traffic by your inner pages ranking for longer tailed keywords.
I will be doing a tutorial on how to set up and use Push Button SEO
This will not affect everybody but if you are trying to rank a site for a local business then it always helps to include your business address and phone number somewhere on your site, preferably on your home page as this will build trust with Google.
So there you have it. I wanted to keep this short as it’s just a check basically to see if your content is up to scratch. A word of warning though, if you are outsourcing your content then make sure you trust them and check that what they deliver is 100% unique and clearly understood.
Articles – To outsource or not?
There are a couple of Article writing services that I use which are pretty cheap, but to be honest, I write most of the stuff my self if it is being published on one of my sites, unless it’s on a topic that I don’t know much about, for example, I have a site about growing your own mushrooms. I found a lady that writes some great content for this site.
I couldn’t possibly do it myself, but with ‘DoSEO’ I can write all of my own content because I have a lot of knowledge in this field.
I always outsource articles that I use for link building, which I will come to later!
Push Button SEO – Software to boost your on page SEO
Green light Articles – Great for all types of articles (Use Premium if it’s for website content)
Continue Reading….
> Step 2 – Avoid these mistakes

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When you say “link out to other related niches”, are these do follow links or no follow?
Jason Chesters Reply:
March 4th, 2014 at 4:46 pm
I just link out with do follow links 🙂
Hey Jason. What are your thoughts on Green Light Articles service compared to textbroker? I always have this problem of choosing a writing service. 🙁
Jason Chesters Reply:
April 10th, 2014 at 9:17 pm
Hi Bruce
Ive used Greenlight articles quite a lot but never used textbroker so I can’t compare them I’m afraid
Alright I think I’ll give it a try. Anyway do you usually install wordpress manually or do you just use the one click install method?
Jason Chesters Reply:
April 11th, 2014 at 8:05 am
I go into cpanel and use the 1 click install. Gets the job done quickly!!
Article is really nice, but you are sure “Keep your keyword density down to below 4%”, I think better under 1%.
Sry my bad english.