
In this section of my blog I will provide you with useful SEO Tutorials, I’ll be updating this page often and if there is a tutorial you would like to see featured here then let me know! Sign up to my newsletter to get my latest tutorials.

7 Creative Ways To Build Quality Back Links Right Now!

Filed in Blog, Link Building, Tutorials by on January 31, 2014 6 Comments
7 Creative Ways To Build Quality Back Links Right Now!

You know the feeling, you have built a great looking site, spent time and money to get your content right and then it comes to link building and you hit a brick wall. You know that you need to build …

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Boost Your Rankings By Diversifying Your Back Link Profile With UAW

Filed in Tutorials by on January 16, 2014 6 Comments
Boost Your Rankings By Diversifying Your Back Link Profile With UAW

One of the biggest problems I see with poorly ranked websites is the keyword density is too high! If you start to build back links using your main keyword as the anchor text then you are going to get penalised …

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Build your own private Blog Network And Rank For Anything

Build your own private Blog Network And Rank For Anything

If you want to drastically improve your SERP results then you better learn how to build a private blog network! The way things are going you are going to need your own PBN to rank your money sites, especially if …

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Review – Rank Cracker is Released

Filed in Blog, Tutorials by on December 12, 2013 0 Comments
Review – Rank Cracker is Released

I had no intention of writing this post about Rank Cracker but I was just about to finish up for the day and I received this in my inbox. Matthew Woodward has released his long awaited SEO software.

And best …

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Want To Rank A New site? Don’t Use Keyword Anchors!

Filed in Blog, Tutorials by on November 19, 2013 8 Comments
Want To Rank A New site? Don’t Use Keyword Anchors!

Using Keyword Anchors was all the rage a couple of years back, but ever since Google released the famous Penguin update,

I have found that keyword Anchors are becoming less relevant, in fact they actually harm your site because they …

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Step 5 – Build Solid Tier 1 Links

Filed in Blog, How I rank My Sites, Tutorials by on October 31, 2013 11 Comments
Step 5 – Build Solid Tier 1 Links

If you followed the last step correctly then you should already have have some quality Tier 1 links in place from the manual web 2.0’s. You can now take a breather because most of the hard work is done!

Creating …

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Step 3 – Build ‘Powerful’ manual Web 2.0’s

Filed in Blog, How I rank My Sites, Tutorials by on October 11, 2013 30 Comments
Step 3 – Build ‘Powerful’ manual Web 2.0’s

Welcome to Step 3 of my SEO BluePrint, guide/course or whatever you want to call it, I don’t care as long as we get the rankings we want!

Now in the introduction I gave you the plan that you should …

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